How does the store work?

You want to mint 1 asset:

(1) Connect your wallet;
(2) Choose whether you want to pay with ₳ Ada or if you want to also use some of your STKS;
(3) Depending on your choice, click the respective button to start the minting process;
(4) Follow the instructions your wallet gives you, check the transaction and sign it if all is as expected;
(5) Yay! Your asset will arrive in your wallet shortly!

You want to mint multiple assets:

(1) Connect your wallet;
(2) Add the assets you want to your shopping basket by clicking on the 'Add to Basket'-button; (3) When you have added the assets you want to mint, click on the Shopping Basket-icon on the top of the screen (4) In the new screen: Choose whether you want to pay with ₳ Ada or if you want to also use some of your STKS;
(5) Depending on your choice, click the respective button to start the minting process;
(6) Follow the instructions your wallet gives you, check the transaction and sign it if all is as expected;
(7) Yay! Your assets will arrive in your wallet shortly!

I can't mint an asset because it says it is unavailable!

(1) Be sure to connect your wallet;
(2) Depending on the asset, there are requirements to be able to mint. If you don't meet the requirements, the asset will be unavailable;